
活剥皮, 严斥的英文

  • skin alive
  • :    live
  • 剥皮:    skin; peel off the skin
  • :    tight; rigorous
  • :    upbraid; scold; blame; repro ...
  • 严斥:    skin alive
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        :    live
        剥皮:    skin; peel off the skin
        :    tight; rigorous
        :    upbraid; scold; blame; repro ...
        严斥:    skin alive
        斥责, 严斥:    tongue-lashing
        剥皮:    skin; peel off the skin◇剥皮刀 spudder; 剥皮工 backer; 剥皮机 peeler; backer; 剥皮器 stripper; brake(柳条); 剥皮钳 wire stripper
        痛骂, 严斥, 攻击:    walk into sb
        活剥生吞:    (生吞活剥) swallow sth. raw and whole; skin alive and gulp down (uncritically); interpret the text [passage] crudely without real understanding; mechanically take (other's experience); accept [take] (sth.) uncritically; transplant indiscriminately
        生吞活剥:    skin and eat ... alive; flayed and swallowed alive; force an interpretation of text without (real) understanding; gulp ... down uncritically; interpret text [passage] crudely; learn (sth.) mechanically; mechanically to take ...; read without real understanding; swallow sth. raw and whole -- accept sth. uncritically; try to memorize books without thinking; without real understanding 决不可生吞活剥地搬用外国的经验。 it's no good taking over the experience of foreign countries uncritically
        活剥动物的皮:    skin animals alive
        剥,剥皮:    shell
        剥落,剥皮:    peeling
        剥皮-换肤:    skin scaling
        剥皮,去皮:    barking; peel
        剥皮刀:    bark knife; draw knife; flaying knife; hide ski ing knife; hide skinning knife; peeling knife; spud
        剥皮法:    decortication
        剥皮梗:    stripped stalk
        剥皮工:    barker; dehider; drum tender; rosser
        剥皮机:    bark peeling machine; bark stripping machine; bark-peeler; barker machine; barking machine; debarder; debarker; decorticator; dehider; descaler; hide pulling machine; hide-down puller; husker; nicholson barker; paring machine; rosser; rotary peeling machine; scalping machine; shartle machine; ski ing machine; skinner; skinning machine; veneer lathe
        剥皮间:    skinning room
        剥皮林:    tanbark coppice
        剥皮轮:    schlrad skiving wheel
        剥皮木:    barked wood
        剥皮器:    barkblaxe; peeler; stripper; tree scriber


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